Blog - Sindi Novi Yanti B.inggris (Tujuan blog dan tujuan saya membuat blog, alasan reviewers harus melihat blog saya, dan harapan media sosial serta harapan blog saya) B.inggris teknik sipil Umt

       Blogs are online web pages that contain notes, writings, or a series of articles that can be updated and can be accessed for private or public. While Blogger is the object of the perpetrators of a blog or people who always write and update their blogs. My goal in creating a blog is to access all information, news, or so on. At first I created a blog because I got assignments from the teacher, but now I understand if the blog is useful for me. If this blog is used to share information, it is very useful. My plan, I want to use the blog so on. Blogs can also be a means to learn to write experiences, stories, stories, or even daily stories. Blogs can also make money if we really use it, for example by making online stores or online services. My main goal is to create a blog because I want to share knowledge. Even though it's not much, sharing knowledge doesn't hurt. The contents of my blog are actually still incomplete.
     My blog should be visited by reviewers because in my blog there are explanations about the present tense, past tense, future tense, past future tense, reason tenses, coastal engineering, passive active, video presentations and others. I will also keep updating my blog, even if it's not routine.
     My hope is for the development of social media today, preferably social media is more used for positive or useful things. In order not to be used as a means that is not good or not exemplary. Because in today's age social media is more often used for things that are not good. And my hope is to create a blog so that my blog can be used for things that are useful and useful for everyone.


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